
  • 04:27 was back from #ye2011 pre-conference meeting. needs to finish my slides. t.co/H1xsqLg #
  • 16:26 #ye2011 Larry Wall's Keynote at YAPC::Europe 2011 Riga, Latvia. "Postmodern" #
  • 19:07 has gave a talk and waiting for lunch. #ye2011 #
  • 20:08 back to auditorium #ye2011 #
  • 20:12 Rakudo Evolved: speed, feedback and hackability t.co/tMTSP5H #ye2011 day 1 #
  • 21:00 #ye2011 Mostly lazy DBIx::Class testing t.co/n6S2eK7 #
  • 21:13 what's this? AAAAAAAAA.pm "AAAAAAAAA - Aaaaaa aaaaa aa aaaaaa Aaaaa aaaa" t.co/Hor6F2t #ye2011 #
  • 21:20 Photo: Michael G Schwern—one of the top Perl developers in the world—is adding Riga on the map of YAPCs in... t.co/7ZwenCT #
  • 21:23 #ye2011 Zefram's "why time is difficult" talk t.co/jqgPyRG #
  • 22:26 #ye2011 BooK‎'s Git::Repository - Controling Git from Perl t.co/pfuCZG8 #
  • 22:34 #ye2011 "System::Command - Object for running system commands" OO I/F for IPC::Open3 splited from Git::Repository t.co/NJlnnMI #
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